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Day Two - Monday April 10th, 2017

Stage 1 - Live without making garbage
Stage 2- Emitting no carbon
Stage 3- Least environmental impact with food choices
Stages After- Little environmental impact- consumer purchase, household (heat, electricity, water use)

Today was exponentially harder than yesterday- I found myself questioning almost everything I did. (i.e. eating, purchasing...) I had not realized that items I had ordered online days previously were going to come and with it a massive amount of waste. Collecting my garbage has been quite the experience. I have never found myself so conflicted about making the decision to do or eat something at risk of creating trash.

Reflecting on my garbage created today-- It is sad to see how little time I spend actually utilizing the item before throwing it away, such as paper towels, or snacks with individual packaging. I love seltzer water- at home I have a machine that makes it for me so that I do not have to buy individual La Croix cans, however I have yet to purchase one at school... I feel so awful looking in my cupboard at my plentiful amounts of seltzer water and thinking about all the trash I am creating for my own selfish cravings. 

I think one of my lesser struggles today was wanting to buy things- I am pretty damn broke- so I already and getting thrifty with ways to be not "spendy"-- such as bringing my own English Breakfast tea to class instead of my typical stop at Starbs. 

I drove in a car this afternoon, and simply did not realize that it was against my personal plan for no impact until after I arrived back at my house. I feel physical guilt from my ten minute car drive-- and realizing the greater impact my car-rides have on the environment-- maybe not individually, but when I think about all the times I have ridden in a car, and been in a plane it is insane to consider how much of an impact I personally have made to alter the eco-system.

Tomorrow I will not go in a car-- I am committing to walking and being more aware of how to get around and be motivated by exercise and promoting a more natural lifestyle. 

Things I am grateful for- feet, creativity, hugs, mom, the sun.


Day Three- April 11th, 2017

Day One - Sunday April 9th, 2017