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Day Seven- April 15th, 2017

Stage 1 - Live without making garbage

Stage 2- Emitting no carbon

Stage 3- Least environmental impact with food choices

Stages After- Little environmental impact- consumer purchase, household (heat, electricity, water use)


Eco-Sabbath is a gross exaggeration for my advancements throughout the week; however this week has definitely helped me in an effort to reshape my actions and move forward towards a balanced lifestyle. 

Trying to remember every method to have no impact (i.e. garbage, carbon use, food choices, electricity, and water) it is more difficult than I anticipated it being. Even when I am contributing little impact I still worry that I am forgetting something integral- and I usually am. 

I think that over the week I definitely created a lesser amount of trash than usual, and my inner consumerist was put to a slow, maybe not a screeching stop. BUT I was absolutely more mellow consumer and my purchasing habit seemed not so bad, and even when I did purchase I would try to make it eco-conscious. 

I think that possibly my best moment this week was when I remembered to make the "right" or most eco choice- like not purchasing a bottled water or remembering to turn off the lights, or use a candle instead, and unplugging my devices. It feels good to treat the world well. 

Today, I am going to the hot springs with friends, I am going to enjoy nature and take a break from my inner consumer to enjoy the purity of the world. 

Overall, the experience is a memorable one. However, I do not think I could continue to have no impact for an entire year as Colin does- I think I will just settle for being more aware and cognitive of my usage and impact on the world.  

Day Six April 14th, 2017