
Welcome to my personal oasis, take a look around!

Day Three- April 11th, 2017

Stage 1 - Live without making garbage
Stage 2- Emitting no carbon
Stage 3- Least environmental impact with food choices
Stages After- Little environmental impact- consumer purchase, household (heat, electricity, water use)

Today my schedule is as so:

8:30am - Journalism 333

11:00 - Work out at rec

12:00 - Tutoring students on Adobe

1:00 - Spanish class

2:00 - Journalism 460

4:00 - Home

5:00 - Blog, homework...

6:00 - Make dinner

7:00 - Go to friends

10:00 - Sleep!

All of these activities I will perform by walking to the destination, I usually would only take a car to my destination if I felt it was "too far" to walk. However, now I am rethinking my policy... Growing up in a city like Colin and his family in NYC. Chicago, and greater Chicago area, is pretty difficult to travel without use of - car, bus, train, in order to arrive somewhere in a timely manner. Here in Eugene the university is structured and designed around students-- so it makes walking to destinations a little easier, despite living on or off campus.

I love walking, I never truly realized the massive health benefits that it has until I came to college- This past year especially I have learned the benefits of living nearly a mile off campus, I lost 15 lbs and have felt happier and full of energy-- even with exerting more energy throughout the day.

I think today's biggest challenge was ridding my life of "snacks", it is so easy to simply grab a cereal bar on your way out the door, or grab a piece of gum/bag of chips. I love snacking so I have to fins a way to substitute with not only healthier options, but greener options.

I ended up catching a ride from a friend late at night because I felt too scared to walk in the dark by myself- I felt that this was a reasonable use of a car however I still felt like maybe I could have taken a different course of action that was better for the environment. However, ultimately I am happy I utilized the car in lieu of confronting the multitude of risks associated with being a woman walking alone at night. 

I am grateful for: friends, socks, and reusable water bottles.



Day Four- April 12th, 2017

Day Two - Monday April 10th, 2017